Lifelong Learning

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Curious about faith lifelong learning?

Join us on the road of transformative learning

Southwestern Texas Synod's vision is to become a network of spirit-empowered communities of disciples called and sent to live out the radically inclusive gospel of Jesus through the promises of baptism. We invite leaders to be transformed in their lifelong learning. We offer access to excellent formation materials and lifelong learning opportunities through various courses.

As lifelong learners, we learn we are on a road to being transformed in our way of thinking, being, and doing just like Saul was transformed on the road to Damascus. Saul listened to the voice of God, was led by Ananias, and got up and was baptized. We are in a community to learn, love, and lead.

Damascus is for all ages, levels of expertise, and learning styles. Participants may choose to engage online or in person (workshops, webinars, and conversation groups).

Whether you’re discerning a call to rostered ministry, stepping into lay leadership in the church or community, or ready to be transformed as a leader, Damascus: Lifelong Learning is for you.

Competencies aligned with the ELCA:



Cultural Context

Ministerial Leadership


For Synod Authorized Minister Training:


Northwest Synod of WI Lay School

Courses offered in April-May 2024

  • Crash Course: Bible

    Connect deeply and personally with God’s relevant and resonant word through “Crash Course: Bible.” This is not a Bible survey course, marching through a surface-level overview of each book; it's a multifaceted exploration of Scripture's overall heart and story. Guided by seasoned practitioners, each specializing in distinct modules, you'll weave together an understanding of the Bible’s historical, cultural, and theological context and meaning. Come and gain new insights into its dimensions, various reading and interpretation methods, and its ongoing influence and significance today!

    For pastors and church leaders, this course will provide invaluable tools for approaching Scripture and sharing biblical insights in a way that’s accessible and relevant to the worries, questions, and lives of those in your congregation. Whether you've studied the Bible in the past or are new to exploring its pages, you'll build a stronger faith as you get to know the Bible's context, structure, and more.

    What You'll Learn

    • Deepen Your Knowledge: Gain a well-rounded understanding of the Bible's origins, historical and cultural context, influence, impact, and interpretation.
    • Navigate Complexity: Learn to navigate denominational differences in engaging with and interpreting biblical texts.
    • Literary Exploration: Explore the diverse literary genres within the Bible and their impact on its interpretation.
    • Gain Unique Insights: Discover what sets the Bible apart from other ancient texts, and identify its influence on culture, literature, and the arts throughout history.
    • Practical Skills: Learn various devotional Scripture reading practices and create a personalized plan for consistent and meaningful Bible reading.
    • Enrich Your Faith: Pray and grow in your understanding as you engage with Scripture in an immersive way!
  • Exploring Your Gifts and Talents

    Are you ready to bring your unique spiritual gifts and strengths to the surface? Come gain a deeper understanding of who God made you to be, and be emboldened to lean into your talents as you take loving action in your church, community, and world! Join us for this comprehensive and profound on-demand learning experience. We’ll walk alongside you as you explore your spiritual gifts, embrace their significance, and learn to apply them in meaningful and powerful ways.

    Frederick Buechner said it best: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” We all yearn to better align our God-given purpose and our natural passions and talents in order to positively impact those around us in fuller and more resonant ways. Through engaging videos, guided reflection, and practical action planning, this course will empower you to do just that! You'll explore the scriptural foundations of spiritual gifts, identify your own singular strengths, follow the thread of the divine call that aligns with your abilities and passions, and craft a personalized action plan to use your gifts for faithful impact in your church setting and community.

    What You'll Learn

    • Return to the Source: Understand the biblical foundation of spiritual gifts and their role in the church.
    • Embrace Self-Awareness: Identify your unique spiritual gifts and strengths.
    • Build the Blueprint: Craft a personalized action plan to utilize your gifts within your church community.
    • Look Around: Recognize opportunities to apply your gifts in various real-world contexts.
    • Look Back: Reflect on how your calling and purpose can evolve over a lifetime.
    • Look Forward: Connect your gifts with the needs of the world and make a meaningful impact.
  • Embodying Thoughts and Prayers: Providing Spiritual Care and Comfort

    Picture yourself offering compassionate, steadying guidance in the midst of someone's uncertainty, job loss, or grief or providing quiet words of comfort during a hospital visit. Imagine the difference you could make during times of trouble and need if you were equipped with the right skills and resources.

    The need for congregation members and leaders to step in to provide compassionate peer-to-peer spiritual care is happening more and more often. In our ever-changing world, churches must build competent lay teams to share the responsibility of long care visit lists, and judicatory leaders must empower congregation members to take on visitation ministry where clergy may not be available at all. Especially as they find themselves called to offer solace and support during hard times, these leaders grapple with the question: "How can I provide effective care in such new, diverse, and complex situations?" Together, we are all seeking ways to build stronger, more resilient faith communities that thrive on meaningful spiritual care and comfort—and we are all in need of tools to equip those on the front lines.

    This transformative course is designed to supply faith community members with the tools they need to address visitation ministry challenges head-on. With the guidance and resources supplied through this course, we can develop communities of empowered leaders who understand the nuances of care visits and provide peer-to-peer support that strengthens the bonds within congregations.

    What You'll Learn

    • Develop a Visitation Guidebook: Pack your personal guidebook with practical prayers, scriptures, and valuable resources that you'll customize for your ministry context along the way.
    • Gain Empathetic Listening Skills: Deepen your ability to profoundly connect with those in need and discern God's guidance through attentive and empathetic listening.
    • Learn Self-Care Techniques: Gain self-care practices to bolster your effectiveness as a caregiver and maintain emotional well-being.
    • Increase Your Ministry Impact: Elevate the impact of your ministry by fostering a culture of compassion and peer-to-peer support within your church community.
    • Refresh Your Understanding of Who God Is: Reflect on rich, Scriptural examples of God's lovingkindness as you center the care you provide in your identity in Christ.
Register Now

Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt

Bishop's Associate for Leadership & Lifelong Faith Formation

(830) 379-9900 ext. 15

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