
Congregational Constitution Changes

ELCA provides the following resources for Congregations to update and maintain current Constitutions, Bylaws & Continuing Resolutions.

Model Congregational Constitution (2022)
2019 Constitución Modelo para Congregaciones (2022 coming soon)

Amendments to Model Constitution (2022)
2022 Enmiendas a la Constitución Modelo para Congregaciones (coming soon)

Rational for Amendments

ELCA Resources Click to Submit

Changes must be reviewed and approved by Synod Council and filed with the Synod Office.

Congregational constitutions are submitted via email or online, reviewed by Pr. Caleb Jeffers, and approved by Synod Council in February, May, and September. Please submit your constitution changes for review before you hold a congregational vote. This allows for any changes/corrections to be made prior to congregational consideration. Once the constitution is finalized, it can be approved by the congregation then approved by the synod council. Submissions must be received a month prior to the Synod Council meeting in order to be considered for review.

Following the Synod Council, you will receive notification of approval and request to submit a clean updated copy of the constitution for official filing at the synod office.

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