From Vision to Action

At our Synod Assembly this year, it was clear that we are still a divided synod in terms of what we are seeking in leadership and direction. We made the decision to do some listening into the synod to uncover the hopes and challenges, as well as how we should align the work of our synod for the next season of our life together. Click to read what we heard and what's next.

Join Southwestern Texas Synod in a Faith Practice
weekly online via Zoom beginning the week of September 9th.

Mondays @ 7:15 PM ONLY

Faith 5 is a faith practice in which we come together to share highs and lows, read a scripture verse, talk about it, pray for one another, and bless one another. We will do the same: break into small groups, share highs and lows, read a scripture verse or two, talk about it in our groups, pray with and for one another, and be sent out with a blessing. (15 minutes at most)

God invites us to be in community with God and others. Faith practices are regularly repeated practices that can, both personally and communally, enrich our attentiveness to the Holy Spirit, cultivate the life and character of Jesus Christ in us, and strengthen our love for God and others. These practices equip us to serve God and our neighbor better. We invite all, including families with kids, to participate in this meaningful practice.

Practicing Faith 5 connects people to God and one another, church to home, and faith to daily life. It enriches communication, deepens understanding, and promotes mental and spiritual health.

The people of the Southwestern Texas Synod warmly welcome you and invite you to take a seat at God’s table. All people, without exception, are welcome at this table where we gather to be transformed and connected by God's endless grace.

What does it mean to be church with us? It’s about a dynamic connection with God through each other and the world. We live in the faith that we are loved without condition by an infinite and just God. God’s transformational grace brings freedom from serving ourselves and the weight of sin that may grip us. Our burden lifted; we are free to center our lives on service to those in need. Our hearts full, we are free to love our neighbor just as unconditionally as God loves us.

We gather to explore the possibilities of grace. We soar and stumble together knowing that living our faith is hard and forgiveness abounds. We embrace the truth that the cross and the resurrection both form our journey to God. We share gratitude that all that God has made is beloved, messy, and majestic.

All are welcome to join us and be transformed by God’s grace and unconditional love.

We believe that God's love for creation is abundant and cannot be divided or apportioned by us. Where we come from, who we love and all the ways we live in this world cannot separate us from the God who became human to be with us. We are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to love and to serve all as the body of Christ. You are beloved. There is always a place for you here.

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